Monday 25 February 2013

Russian-speaking world in 52 weeks, 6\52

Евгения Померанцева, 91 год 
Дочь ротмистра Изюмского гусарского полка Евгения фон Розеншильд-Паулин родилась в турецком Галлиполи, в лагере отступающей врангелевской армии. Затем ее семья перебралась через Сербию во Францию, а сейчас 91-летняя графиня живет в Бостоне

Eugenia Pomerantseva, 91 y.o. 
Daughter of Eugene von Rozenshild-Paulin, the Captain of the Izyum' Hussars. She was born in Turkish Gallipoli, in the camp of Wrangel's army retreating. Then her family moved via Serbia to France, and now 91-year-old countess lives in Boston

"The cult of the Russian language reigned in our family. Our family was of the Orthodox religious traditions, we celebrated all religious holidays. Particularly tender attitude we had the holiday of Christmas and Easter".

By special project of the newspaper 'Bolshoi gorod' ("Big city'), dedicated to the 100 y.anniversary of Russian emigration. The whole article, other photos and stories on the web-site of the newspaper.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Russian-speaking world in 52 weeks, 5\52

Moscow in February, view from the plain
Moskva-city, The Kremlin, Christ the Saviour Cathedral and the 'Ukraine' Hotel as well as the Moskva-river covered by ice are seen

Photo by Kirill Umrikhin for

Friday 8 February 2013

Learning Russian: Appearance and character (for beginners)

Appearance and character (внешность и характер)

Man-мужчина,  woman-женщина, girl-девочка, boy-мальчик, child (children)-ребенок(дети),

РОСТ:  tall-высокий, short-низкий,

ВОЛОСЫ hair:
dark-темные, fair-светлые, black-черные,
curly-кудрявые, straight - прямые

ЛИЦО – face: round-круглое, oval-овальное,

НОС – nose: long-длинный, short-короткий, straight-прямой

ГУБЫ – lips: red-красные, full-полные, thin-тонкие,

ГЛАЗА – eyes:
·      large-большие, small-маленькие,
·      blue – голубые. Dark blue – синие, brown – карие, gray – серые, green – зеленые,

to look like - выглядеть (на 30 лет)

 ХАРАКТЕР – Character: good-хороший, bad-плохой, kind-добрый, fair-честный, quiet-тихий, merry-веселый, serious-серьезный, clever-умный

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Russian-speaking world in 52 weeks. 4/52

Photo from the video shooting for the song 'Trolleybus' by Mumiy Troll
Photo is taken from the PLANETA 

Mumiy Troll is a Soviet and Russian rock-group from Vladivostok, group is founded in 1983 by Ilya Lagutenko who is still the leader of the group.

On the 13 of March the concert of the group is expected in Hong Kong. Further information about it is found in the Facebook group