Wednesday 17 April 2013

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Igor Lagunov, 'Old ladies' happiness' 
from the photo exhibition which started to work on the 5 of April in one of the universities. Exhibition is organized by the non-profit research service "Sreda". The purpose of this photographic project - "to show in a variety the pictures of values of the Russians."

here source and some more works from the exhibitions  

Игорь Лагунов, «Старушечье счастье»
фото - участник выставки, открывшейся 5 апреля в одном из университетов Москвы. выставка организована некоммерческой исследовательской службы «Среда». Цель данного фотопроекта — «показать во всем многообразии картину святого и ценного для россиян».

Monday 15 April 2013

Book-Cafe in the RLC: Reading Russian books with the Russian Language Center

Russian Language Center is happy to announce the next book-cafe. On the 21 of May (Tuesday) we discuss 'Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov!

        It's a special event for the book-cafe as we dare to discuss this interesting book, full of mystery, contradictions and love!

        If you are interested in participating in this event please e-mail us to by the 15th of April  to sign up and we shall send you further information.

The Master and Margarita («Ма́стер и Маргари́та») is a 1937 (not published until 1967) novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, woven around the premise of a visit by the Devil to the fervently atheistic Soviet Union. Many critics consider it to be one of the best novels of the 20th century, and the foremost of Soviet satires, directed against a suffocatingly bureaucratic social order.

Find the book in English here  

Find the book in Russian here  

Here you may find information about the book and useful annotations to the chapters  (English, Russian, French and Dutch languages available) 

Following this reference you may watch the tv-series ‘Master and Margarita’ (10 episodes), Russian film of 2005, it is very ‘close’ to the text. 

Looking forward to meet you аnd remember: ‘manuscripts don’t burn…!’

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Russian woman in traditional dress, Rimsky-Korsakov, between 1908 and 1917

Русские женщины в традиционной одежде, Римский-Корсаков, между 1908 и 1917


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The Day of Herder, Yamal Peninsula

The Yamal Peninsula (полуо́стров Яма́л), located in Yamal-Nenets autonomous district of northwest Siberia, Russia, extends roughly 700 km (435 mi) and is bordered principally by the Kara Sea, Baydaratskaya Bayon the west, and by the Gulf of Ob on the east. In the language of its indigenous inhabitants, the Nenets, "Yamal" means "End of the World".


День оленевода, полуостров Ямал

Яма́л — полуостров на севере Западной Сибири, на территории Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округаРоссии. Длина полуострова 700 км, ширина до 240 км. Омывается Карским морем.
Ландшафты полуострова представлены тундрой, на юге — лесотундровые участки. Многочисленны озёра. Полуостров слабо освоен человеком. Ведётся оленеводство, рыболовство. На полуострове расположены крупнейшие залежи природного газа.