Thursday 26 May 2011

Emotionally about the stereotypes

We used to discuss the necessity of the stereotypes many times, it's funny of course, to read it or learn about it. Well, like all English drink tea at 5 o'clock, German are never late, French appreciate the wine, Italians are passionate etc ... ANd of course there are stereotypes about Russia. I wouldn't say 'many stereotypes' as when they speak about Russians, there are just few of them ... And they are very annoying! It is very very banal to think that Russia is ...
matryoshka balalaika vodka bear

Besides, in Russia we watch a lot of foreign series and films, Russians are interested in many other cultures and countries. And it might be funny sometimes when we see how do the foreign films introduce Russia. Of course, if they are more then 18 years old, you may understand why they do it in the following way. But what about the modern film?

Russia in MODERN films (after 2000):
red star, Stalin, GULAG, hat with ears, KGB, red star, red star and again red star

Is it possible that educated people or film directors or producers STILL do not know at least that the political system in RUssia has changed? That sounds strange.

But there is the thing that gives hope - there is still A LOT of people who is interested in the history of the world, who is broad-minded.

From now there would be a new tag in our blog: Russia is,.. where we will try to collect the things that are really worth appreciating about Russia. You may also participate and share you links and ideas.

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