Tuesday 3 April 2012

5 most unusual monuments in Russia

In Russia you may find very interesting monuments and statues. But sometimes you don't know, if it is a genius creativity or sad madness :)) 
Today i will show you something really funny, so if you visit Russia, don't forget to find some of these statues!)) 

the materials are borrowed from the web-site of creative commercial adme.ru

1. Monument to the NOSE

The idea comes from the story by Nicholai Gogol with the same name 'The Nose'. At the onset of “The Nose,” Major Kovalyov awakens to discover that his nose is missing, leaving a smooth, flat patch of skin in its place. His nose is already pretending to be a human. He finds and confronts it in the Kazan Cathedral, but from its clothing it is apparent that the nose has acquired a higher rank in the civil service than he and refuses to return to his face. 

If you would like to read it, you may find the story here (in English)

2. The monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik

Being one of the smallest monuments, still it attracts a  lot of attention. It is located near one of the bridges of the river Fontanka, St-Petersburg. The word itself - Chizhik-Pyzhik (Чижик-Пыжик), whih means 'a small bird, siskin' - comes from a funny song

Чижик-пыжик, где ты был?
На Фонтанке водку пил.

Выпил рюмку, выпил две —

Зашумело в голове.

Chizhik-Pyzhik, where have you been?

Drank vodka on the Fontanka.

Took a shot, took another -

Got a headache.

As the Wiki says, the rhyme refers to the students of the Imperial School of Jurisprudence, who frequented a pub belonging to the merchant Nefedov on the Fontanka Quay in Saint Petersburg.  The students of the college wore uniforms with yellow and green colors, which resembled the colors of the bird called the Siskin (Чиж; hypocoristic: chizhik). Because of that, they were nicknamed Chizhyks-Pyzhiks.

There is a nice tradition, if you have a wish and you want it to come true, you have to hit it with a coin. Try! It seems that it's extremely easy, but I may assure you, it is not! Me myself, I've never managed to do it! 
3. Give way to ducklings! 

This ...well...monument is located in Moscow. Indeed the idea comes from children's American story written by Robert McCloskey, the monument itself is a copy from the same one in Boston and is a present of Barbara Bush to Raisa Gorbacheva as a symbol of friendship of two countries. 

Venue: Новодевичий проезд, 1, сквер. (see on Google map)
How to get there: ст. метро Спортивная авт. 64, 132, трол. 5, 15. Или при выходе со ст. метро Спортивная свернуть направо и идти по ул. 10-летия Октября до Новодевичьего монастыря, затем перейти вдоль пруда в сквер (thanks to www.moscow.org).

4.  Monument to letter Ё

The idea of the monument appeared in 1997, the year of 200 anniversary of appearing of the letter 
in publicity.

5. Monument to Chekhov, or 'Anton Pavlovich in Tomsk through the eyes of a drunk man who is lying in the ditch and who had never read "Kashtanka"

Here let me just share the link to the text of 'kashtanka' by Anton Chekhov! In Russian, in English 

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