Tuesday 8 May 2012

Famous films about the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

THe Victory Day 9 of May is coming. THis day we always watch a lot films about the War, remember the deed of our grandmothers and grandfathers, cry and respect them. 

Here is just a small collection of Soviet films about the War 1941-1945

"Великий перелом"
"Небесный тихоход"

"Встреча на Эльбе"
"Баллада о солдате" - Ballad of a soldier, 1959

"На семи ветрах" - 'On seven winds', 1962

Аты-баты, шли солдаты, 1977 

Летят журавли. - The cranes are flying, 1957 

А зори здесь тихие - The Dawns gere are quite, 1972 

Они сражались за Родину. - 'They fought for Motherland' 1976

"В бой идут одни "старики"" - 'Only 'old men' go to battle', 1973

"Дважды рожденный" - Born twice, 1983

"Офицеры" - 'Officers', 1971

"Женя, Женечка, Катюша"  - "Eugene, Jane and 'Katyusha'", 1967

to be continued 

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