Saturday 14 July 2012

Common mistakes in Russian that native speakers often do or  Проверь себя!

Do you think that Russian is difficult? And always wonder how do the RUssians manage to memorize ALL THAT ?

Well, today I will make you happy. Russians MAKE mistakes in their native language. Here is the list of most common mistakes nowadays

99% of  the users of BКонтакте (Russian Facebook) often do the following mistakes  

1. You doubt how to spell 'to come' - "приДТи" или "приЙТи"? Remember right now  - "приЙТи". 

2. ordered "экспрессo'? by the way, coffee is called "ЭСПРЕССО"! 

3. TO say 'I win' - what's the right variant  "ПОБЕДЮ" или "ПОБЕЖДУ"? None!! the verb "победить" has no form of 1 person singular (perfective) Options:  "Одержу победу", "сумею победить" 

4. Careful! There is no word  "вообщем" neither "вобщем"! There are "ВООБЩЕ" (actually) и "В ОБЩЕМ" (so, generally) 

5. In the document we put "ПОДПИСЬ" (signature),  but the fresco on the wall in a cathedral is a "РОСПИСЬ". 

6. Indeed the combination "самый лучший" (sounds like 'the most best') is nonsense, as well as "более красивейший" (sounds like 'more beautifulest') 

7. "В_течениЕ" (while, during), but "в_течениИ" (the current, flow of the river). 

8. What would be the imperative form for 'ехать' (to go)  "едь" или "ехай" или " езжай"? None of that! The only correct variants are  "ПОезжай" или "ЗАезжай", "Приезжай". Usage of "езжай"  without prefixes is possible but not desirable in colloquial language 

9. The way to write 'Excuse me' ("извЕни" instead of "извИни") is so rude that it'd be more correct to make a penalty for breaking this law! 

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