Thursday 12 July 2012

Useful information about the help to those in need in Krymsk after the flood

Famous charity-worker and a doctor Doctor Liza writes in her blog what exaclty is needed now in Krymsk. You may send the stuff. If you are in Russia, Russian Post says tat they send stuff for Krymsk FOR FREE (proof link and

  • MEANS OF PROTECTION (rubber gloves, Working gloves in different sizes, Insect repellent, adhesive tape, means for repelling mosquitoes and rodents, Gauze bandage, respirators, Mosquito nets, gauze)

Here you may find information who exactly need help and what exactly they need

Huge list of what is needed as well (In Russian. Feel free to ask our assistance for translation)

Here is the list of point of collections the stuff (Moscow)

Information from their web-site
NEEDED: Toys and stationery for children (inflatable balls; bubbles; crayons, coloring books; puzzles; paint; picture books).

Now we are clearifying WHERE exactly you may send it, if you want to send some stuff. Perhaps the best way would be to send it to 'friends of friends', so the volunteers who live in the nearest towns and may carry all things themselves. 

As for the money, you may transfer it through the charity foundation Predanie

Krasnodar Department of Red Cross
р/с 40703810330000000106, 
в отделение № 8619 Сбербанка России, г. Краснодар, 
к/с 30101810100000000602, 
БИК 040349602, 
Краснодарское краевое отделение Общероссийской общественной организации «Российский Красный Крест», 
ИНН 2309030678 КПП 230901001. 
Назначение платежа: добровольное пожертвование гражданам, пострадавшим от наводнений в Краснодарском крае в 2012 году

If you want to help but not really inderstand how, please feel free to ask us here or in facebook in our group Learning Russian in Hong Kong

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