Thursday 19 July 2012

Russian names. Female names. Part 1

Usually Russian names are known from the most famous novels. It's great that the names like Natasha Rostova or Jury Zhivago are familiar. But still in RUssia we have much more beautiful names. Let's learn some of them. 
Besides, in Russia we have a nice traditions to use millions of short and tender names instead of the official one. A name may have up to 15 variants, which are often used. Once I was told a story when a guy could not understand a Russian novel just because instead of a 'main' official name , the hero was called in other ways, more 'domestic' and tender. so poor guy thought 'oh, how many people are there in the novel?!'  That's why here we will also tell you most common short and spoken variants of Russian names. 


Female names, part 1

АЛЕКСАНДРА - ALEXANDRA – АЛЕКСАНДРА . Helpful, reliable (Greek). Spoken variants – Sasha - Саша, Shura - Шура, Sachenka - Сашенька
АЛЛА -   ALLA. Other (gothic). Bright, "invincible." Spoken variants: Alia Аля
АНАСТАСИЯ   ANASTASIA. Resurrection (Greek). Spoken variants: Настя, Ася
АННА ANNA. Gracious (Hebr). Spoken variants: Ania, Anuta, Nura, Annushka
АНТОНИНА - ANTONINA Extensive (Latin). Spoken variants: Tonia, Tosia
ВАЛЕНТИНА -  VALENTINA. Strong (Latin). Spoken variants: Valia, Valusha
ВАРВАРА - VARVARA - Barbara. Spoken variants: Varia, Varusha
ВАСИЛИСА - VASSILISSA. Regal (Greek). Idol. Spoken variants: Vasia
ВЕРА - VERA. Means Faith. Spoken variants: Verochka
ВИКТОРИЯ -  VICTORIA. The winner (Latin). Spoken variants: Vika, Vikulia
ГАЛИНА - GALINA Clarity (Greek). Spoken variants: Galia
ДАРЬЯ -  DARIA. Great Fire (Persian). Short variant: Dasha
ЕВГЕНИЯ -  EUGENIE. Noble (Greek). Zhenya, Zhenechka
ЕКАТЕРИНА -   CATHERINE. Hope the real, ever-pure (Greek). Short variants: Katia, Katyusha, Katenka
ЕЛЕНА -  ELENA. Solar (Greek). Short variant: Lena, Alyona, Alyonka
ЕЛИЗАВЕТА - ELIZABETH. Revering God (Hebr). Short and spoken variants: Лиза, Лизонька
ЗИНАИДА -  ZINAIDA. Divine (Greek). Short and spo ken variants:Zina, Zinochka
ЗОЯ -   ZOYA. Life (Greek). Short and spoken variants: Зоечка, Зоюша
IRINA. peace (Greek). Short and spoken variants: Ира, Ириша, Ирочка
КИРА -  CYRUS. Mistress (Greek). Short and spoken variants: Кира, Кирочка
КСЕНИЯ - Xenia. Wanderer (Greek). Short and spoken variants: Ксеня, Ксюша

to be continued


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