Saturday 22 June 2013

The 21 of July, birthday of Victor Tsoi. Star called Sun

Viktor Tsoi (Ви́ктор Цой; 21 June 1962 – 15 August 1990) was a Soviet musician, songwriter, and leader of the band Kino (means ' cinema') .
He is regarded as one of the pioneers of Russian rock and has many devoted fans across the countries of the former Soviet Union even today. Few musicians in the history of Russian music have been more popular or have had more impact on their genre than Viktor Tsoi and his rock band Kino. Aside from that, Tsoi contributed a plethora of musical and artistic works, including ten albums. Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident on August 15, 1990, aged 28.

Kino's impact on Soviet music and society was huge. The group introduced a sound and lyrics that no other Soviet artist before them was able or willing to produce. Kino opened the doors for modern Russian rock bands. It's displayed today in many places around Russia, from graffiti on the fences of St. Petersburg to an entire wall dedicated to Viktor Tsoi in a bylane of the famous Arbat street in Moscow, where fans still gather to remember their hero. In 2000 some of the nation's top rock bands came together and released their interpretations of Kino's best songs as a tribute to Viktor Tsoi on what would have been his 38th birthday. Even though he is gone, Viktor Tsoi still lives in the minds of many Russian youths.
Most recently, Viktor Tsoi's "Gruppa krovi" is played through Grand Theft Auto 4's fictional radio station Vladivostok FM.
On June 21, 2012, Google commemorated Tsoi's 50th birthday with a Google Doodle reminiscent of the Tsoi Wall.

His most famous songs:
Blood type ( Группа крови)
Star called Sun (Звезда по имени солнце)
Trolleybus (Троллейбус
Changement (Хочу перемен!)
Cockoo (Кукушка

Contemporaries about Victor Tsoi

Земля — Небо. Между Землей и Небом — война.

Спев одну эту строчку, Виктор Цой мог уже больше ничего не петь. Он сказал все. Просто и гениально.
До сих пор мне непонятна смерть Цоя; предполагаю, что он был проводником Белых сил и явно не успел выполнить возложенную на него миссию. Он ушел внезапно. Я думаю, что, на какое-то мгновение расслабившись, он потерял контроль над собой и открыл таким образом брешь в энергетическом поле защиты, причем сделал это так неожиданно, что Белые не успели среагировать, тогда как Черные среагировали мгновенно. Цоя нет, как нет и Высоцкого.[24]

source: photo , text

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