Sunday 24 April 2011

Paskha traditions in Russia

Paskha (Пасха) - is Easter in Russian.

In Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia there are many very nice traditions for this Holiday. All them create unique culture! Let us see what is that 

1. Going to the Church on SUNDAY night. 
We come to church around 11.30 pm, there start the service, which is at the beginning a bit 'silent' - symbolizing 'waiting for the Resurrection'. Then there is 'Krestiniy Khod' - Крестный ход - it is a walk around the church with burning red candles and with praying. Then the priest shouts 'Christ is risen' - and then all people answer - 'Indeed risen!' 

2. Baking KULICH and making PASKHA
Kulich is a traditional cake for Easter. It is cooked in advance on Thursday, on Saturday it is brought to the church to be blessed. It should be eaten starting from Sunday, when the Great Lent ends and the Easter comes. 

Paskha is a traditional dessert made of cottage cheese - tvorog, cream, butter, raisin. It is usually done like a pyramid, which symbolizes the Tomb of Christ

3. Painting eggs 
We paint eggs into different colours, then on Sunday we 'exchange' the eggs. It is indeed very ancient tradition, egg is the symbol of life, and Christ gave us life

4. "Christosovanie' - or kissing each other thrice as congratulation on the Holiday saying ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕСЕ! - ВОИСТИНУ ВОСКРЕСЕ

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